Four Books For Entrepreneurs & CEOs
Worth Their Weight In Gold

The Secrets Of A Serial EntrepreneurTM Series

With Systems, Tools, Ideas and Information Available Nowhere Else.
All written by a 15 year CEO who has launched eight startups, grown two companies to over $100 million in sales and earned investors over $1 billion.


 Designing a Startup For
Rapid Growth

Only  $44.00

Coming Soon!

Roadmap To Launching A
Startup Company

 Only $44.00

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Coming Soon!
Secrets To Hiring The
Best People
Only $27.00

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Coming Soon!

Managing An Early-Stage Business for Rapid Growth
Only $44.00
Coming Soon!

Mr. Norton's is a leading authority on startups and growing them rapidly.  Few authors understand the drastic differences in management styles, and other methodologies, that must be used through the five stages of a company's development from startup to mature company like Mr. Norton. Even fewer authors can claim to have "done it".

Mr. Norton has appeared on CNBC, Good Morning America and many other regional and national media and provides advice and mentoring to entrepreneurs and CEOs through 1:1 consulting, speaking, writing and seminars.

He also runs a CEO and Entrepreneur Boot Camp and  frequently speaks at universities including. and has developed the leading Entrepreneur and CEO Boot Camp which is an intensive training for any CEO who want to move to a world-class performance level.

Click Here For A
Complete Bio

The Startup Manual And Business Design Tools Cd: You Only Get One Chance to Start Your Company (Secrets of a Serial Entrepreneur) 1st Edition

Bootstrapping - Building a Business Without Capital (The Secrets Of A Serial Entrepreneur Series, Creating the most value without outside capital)

Secrets of Raising Angel Financing: How to Prepare Your Company for Angel Financing in Virtually Every Area