The Financing Environment Today
The Secrets of A Serial EntrepreneurTM Series
This seminar is a complete "How To" course for getting angel investor financing. The financing environment has changed dramatically over the last few years and is repeating a pattern seen in the early 1990s. Venture capitalists are generally not funding early-stage companies or product development, so angels are a much more important source of capital than in the past. Angels have always invested far more dollars in early-stage companies than venture capitalists - so you need to understand what they require and design this into your business plan. We will review what you need to achieve each type of financing and help you rate your company's readiness for various sources of investment.
What you will learn:
- How to prepare your company for angel financing.
- What are the 12 top mistakes CEOs and entrepreneurs make when looking for capital?
- What needs to be in your presentation, business plan, and other messaging to succeed.
- Review of financing sources and the best conditions to approach each.
- When is each type of financing appropriate? We will compare and contrast angel, VC, and corporate financing sources and when each is appropriate.
- How do you find and approach angels?
- When will corporate alliances and financing make more sense?
- What do angels look for as indicators of the best deals?
- What are the market conditions today and how do you adjust to them?
- What kind of financing terms can you expect and discussion on valuation and pricing your stock.
- You will also get a complete resource list of networks of angels and local groups of angels.
- And much more!
This is a Teleseminar - You will be emailed a web link to download the slides, phone number, and personal password early morning on the day before the event.
The Fee For This Event is $69.00
An audio recording will be available with all slides shortly after the seminar for those who can not attend at this time. This will be $49 + S & H.
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A "How To" Seminar on Raising Capital Today
Teleseminar - You will be emailed a web link to download the slides and phone number and password the day before the event.
Bob Norton, Serial Entrepreneur and CEO since 1989, has built two companies to over $100 million in sales. He has also participated in eight startup companies, and worked for two multi-billion dollar corporations.
Mr. Norton mentors and advises entrepreneurs and CEOs and is CEO of C-Level Enterprises, which provides business design and enhancement expertise through consulting, seminars, speaking, and products to companies of all sizes.
Who Should Attend
CEOs, CFOs, Founders, Entrepreneurs,
Vice Presidents, COOs, or any Senior Executive directly involved in the financing process.